Who are these people who claim to care for the so-called "mentally ill" (psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses). Definition of the meaning of empathy.
Third report published on the Internet, on my experience as a political activist in France for some 30 years, subjected since August 2024 to a constraint of political police psychiatry by order of the French police state.
From Michel Dakar, March 22, 2025, Villequier, France


Contents :
1 - Third report: Who are these people who claim to treat the so-called "mentally ill" (psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses). Definition of the meaning of empathy.
2 - Documentation :
3 - Who is Michel Dakar?
4 - All crazy except me (drawing)
Note : original web page in French :

Note: copy of this article sent to the Tavistock Institute

1 - 1 - Third report: Who are these people who claim to care for the so-called "mentally ill" (psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses). Definition of the meaning of empathy.

An old friend of mine, who had been incarcerated for a year and a half in a psychiatric hospital for a secret service case, told me about psychiatrists: "you don't talk to those people".

An inmate I met during my current adventure in a psychiatric hospital, also for a political cause, told me about psychiatrists: "they have no empathy".

No empathy is also what I feel towards the psychiatrist and psychologist involved in my care program under the orders of the prefect.

What I feel about this psychiatrist and psychologist is that they have fully integrated the spirit of submission, and that their sole aim is to make me integrate this spirit of submission, towards authority.

They passed from the so-called medical field to the political field without any scruples, and it didn't even bother them for a moment.

Likewise, the documentation states that the medicalization of delinquency is on the increase, and that delinquency is on the way to being considered a mental illness, and therefore just like political opposition.

In conclusion, for psychiatrists, psychologists and psychiatric nurses, any spirit of insubordination becomes a mental illness.

These people regard the so-called mentally ill as enemies, to be subdued, while going to great lengths to conceal it.

An important characteristic of these people is their lack of empathy, which they likewise conceal at all costs, because they need to put the so-called mentally ill at ease, so that these patients open up to them and reveal themselves, their secrets, and become vulnerable, and so that they can defeat them, because they are enemies who must be brought down. All this has to be camouflaged behind medical care, whereas all psychiatric practices destroy body and mind, and sometimes lead to death, and psychological practice plays on mental manipulation, the psychiatrist being the bludgeon, the psychologist being the poisoned word.

These people are in absolute denial of their own character and the role they play.

To play this role and hold this persona, you need to be capable of the utmost duplicity, to be able to lie to yourself completely, to be able to fool others so perfectly that the authentic root of their being dwindles until it disappears irretrievably. These people are totally irretrievable, unamendable, nothing can be done to heal them, to make them human again, feeling, capable of empathy, they have reached the stage of the machine, they function, and have melted into the social function, as a cog in the system, they are no more than things, they have reached perfection in submission, they are the most submissive people in the system.

How are such people made?

Undoubtedly through severe family upheavals.

To be able to identify completely with authority, family conditions have to completely prevent them from becoming autonomous, a person, because they are non-persons.

You have to have been in a situation where you had absolutely no power to oppose.

I had a case of a former acquaintance who became a psychiatric nurse. Her father was very nice. Her mother slept with her boss and dominated her father. Her mother handed her daughter over to her boss, who was her lover. This former relationship had become homosexual while she was attracted to boys, and then had paired up with a woman who was her mother's age, who was a psychiatric nurse, and had herself become a psychiatric nurse, even though she had studied art, appeared on a series of children's TV shows, and was talented.

Her empathy must have disappeared along the way, because how can anyone with empathy endure the psychiatric milieu, or more broadly that of mental health? Not everyone can be an executioner, because that's the real function of these so-called carers.

The social system of mental health is basically very simple to understand, but this understanding is stopped by the mountain of layers of lies that make it confusing, but once you've understood, everything becomes crystal clear, and everyone can find the right attitude to have towards these particular people who are these pseudo-caregivers, you must not let yourself be penetrated, while presenting an appearance of openness and cooperation, of submission.

The reason I've included the English Tavistock Institute in the documentation is that this is the organization that produces all the mass psychological manipulations to which we are subjected, known in modern terms as social engineering. This type of organization uses psychiatrists, psychologists and sociologists in large numbers, bearing in mind that psychology is considered a branch of sociology, the branch that deals with the individual. It is this type of people, entirely inhabited by submission, who populate this kind of organization,
an organization whose aim is to destroy any spirit of submission.

1 - 2 - Definition of the meaning of empathy.

Deprivation of the sense of empathy.

Being deprived of the sense of empathy stems from the inability to be autonomous and free, or non-submissive.

Only free beings possess a sense of empathy.

What is the sense of empathy?

Empathy is what connects everything that exists, it's the vibration that circulates and passes through everything that exists, from the tiniest thing, like an atom, and what constitutes an atom, to the most important thing, the Universe, via micro-organisms, plants, animals, humans, insects, etc...

The Universe is a living body, everything is life, and everything is linked, planet earth is life, as is what we restrictively call life, on earth, i.e. animals, plants etc...

The sense of empathy is what we call in humans the capacity to feel this vibration which is empathy, that is, to feel the link that exists between one's individuality and what exists.

Subjugation deprives the human being of the sense of empathy, and it is the deprivation of this fundamental sense that enables the unhappy human being to make the kind of profession to which psychiatrists, psychologists and psychiatric nurses belong.

It's also the loss of this sense that allows so-called developed society to destroy the people of Palestine in Gaza, to destroy planet earth and its ionosphere, as is the case with geo-engineering and HAAARP-type stations, the "Great reset" program, "Agenda 2030" and the "Agenda 21" of the World Economic Forum in Davos, all of which are basically organizing the eradication of 95% of the human race, leaving only a few tens of thousands of tycoons on the planet, served by a few hundred thousand half-biological, half-machine robots known as "transhumans" (no doubt inspired by Isaac Asimov's 1957 science-fiction book The Naked Sun): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Naked_Sun - they can't even imagine a future, so they need to draw inspiration from a true creative, an artist with a sense of empathy.

It's important to remember that the Universe is a living body, and is already reacting to what's happening on Earth, with the human species suffering globally from a disease that would be fatal to the Universe if it spread, namely the loss of empathy, and that the Universe is already producing its antibodies to destroy this disease and the risk of it spreading beyond planet Earth. Humans who still possess the sense of empathy are in touch with the Universe, and know that the eradication of humans deprived of the sense of empathy has already begun.

2 - Documentation :

2 - 1 - The prison or psychiatric hospital of the future :

2 - 2 - Psychotherapy under duress :

2 - 3 - Tavistock Institute :





3 - Who is Michel Dakar?
Psychiatric internment of Michel Dakar, author of this website, by prefectoral order from August 8, 2024 to October 21, 2024, and still under external psychiatric restraint to this day.
Updated March 22, 2025
Note: first and second report in sixth paragraph

4 - Everyone's crazy except me.